VioAI Functional Prototype

This an on going project and it is only a prototype, not an atual app.


The Problem

The existing NYU webpages are difficult to navigate. It requires logging in multiple times to access different functions. 

Although the current NYU Mobile App functions fairly well as a redirection page, it still requires the user to click on multiple buttons to find the desired information, such as shuttle bus time, webpage links. 

General User Persona

- NYU Student

- Frequently uses the NYU related service such as shuttle buses, appointments, and library.
- Heavily Involved in communities and club events
- Interested in exploring unfamiliar NYU locations.

The Objective

To design a single-page chatbot interface that fetches infomation for the user without having to navigate between pages and re-signing in.  

To explore the method of AI-controlled interface where a generative digital asssitant can voluntarily evoke changes in the interface and contents, whenever it felt necessary.

Desired Functionalities

Based on results of questionaires with sample of 20 target users, below is a summarized result through an affinity diagram. 

Working Prototype  Demo

A high-fidelity prototype was created using Swift. Here’s it running on a emulator on XCode.

By May 2024, it has general knowledge of more than 100 NYU locations. And it can actually display bus times and personal schedules, in a clean form of info display. It has access to the user’s location and local weather. 

When the user requests for info the bot may not know (such as availability of a library book), it will provide a link to the webpage where the info is likely to be found.

Besides the interactive pop-ups, VioAI is fun to chat with. You can ask for emotional support, networking advice, or just to play NYU trivia. 

In the case of an inappropriate request, such as harming of one self or others, a warning message, or info of emergency resources will be provided, depends on the severity of the situation.

ITP/IMA SPRING SHOW  Special Edition

On May 12th and 13th, the chatbot interface was displayed at ITP/IMA (Interactive Telecommunications Program/Interactive Media Arts) Spring Show. 
Additional functionalities were added to the chatbot. At the show, it has general knowledge of the department, floor map, and people of the community. It can also provide recommendations of interesting projects to see for the visitors, and it points to where the project is located at.